
your typical Aspiring cat lady who loves to read and pet all the kitties in the world.

Why The West Rules For Now by Ian Morris

Why The West Rules For Now by Ian Morris

I have to say that this book is kind of thick. 
I don’t mind fat books but carrying it out is almost impossible.

The author expressed his views on an ancient debate topic: If neither East nor West has had any innate developmental advantage, what then allowed the West to propel itself forward so successfully in the 18th century? 

He guided us to understand the evolution of mankind’s past development and prognosticating the future of the continuing East-West horse race. More importantly, he duly acknowledges that “patterns established in the past suggest that the shift of wealth and power from West to East is inexorable.”

However, what concerned him is not whether the West may be out shined by the East, but whether mankind’s Promethean collective developmental abilities may not end up being our common undoing. He warned that the prolong competition between the East and West is about to be disrupted by powerful forces and we are “approaching the greatest discontinuity in history.”

Germany: Memoir of a Nation by Neil MacGregor

Germany: Memoir of a Nation by Neil MacGregor

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari