All tagged Contemporary History

Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea by Mark Blyth

Today, the European financial-cum-debt crisis rolls on from summit meeting to summit meeting, where German ideals of fiscal prudence clash with Spanish unemployment at 25 percent and a Greek state is slashing itself to insolvency and mass poverty while being given ever-more loans to do so. In the US, those problems take the form of sclerotic private sector growth, persistent unemployment, a hollowing out of middle-class opportunities, and a gridlocked state. What they have in common is their supposed cure: austerity.

Why The West Rules For Now by Ian Morris

The author expressed his views on an ancient debate topic: If neither East nor West has had any innate developmental advantage, what then allowed the West to propel itself forward so successfully in the 18th century? He guided us to understand the evolution of mankind’s past development and prognosticating the future of the continuing East-West horse race……